September Cattle by Annest Gwilym
'Annest Gwilym lives in North Wales, near the Snowdonia National Park in the UK. Her work has been published in various literary...

New Moon by Diane Jackman
Diane Jackman's poetry has appeared in The Rialto, Outposts, Story (Happenstance Press) and many anthologies and magazines. Winner of...

April 28 by Meena
April 28 It is a hot day the fiercest this summer. I hear no birds nor the buzz of bees. My plants look tired. Trees bend towards...

The Wolf by Tina Edwards
The Wolf lie me down to sleep among entrails that carpet your lair skeletons of loved ones shrivelled skins left by banished snakes...

The Fish Ticklers by Tina Edwards
The Fish Ticklers On the edge of the riverbank in the last of the summer sun low amongst the meadow grass in ragged shorts outstretched...

Boulders by Martha Landman
Boulders like dark granite walls obscures the view of geese in flight, their formation like past and future melted – smooth and...

she waits in beauty at the greasy spoon café by James Bell
she waits in beauty at the greasy spoon café by James Bell must drink the coffee and fudge the cash eat the last cheese sandwich at end...

on describing a circle without hands in the year of the dandelion by James Bell
on describing a circle without hands in the year of the dandelion by James Bell in the year of the dandelion where there are violets in...

Clearing Grandma's House by Paul Waring
Clearing Grandma's House The familiar parlour smell Of dining table oak Reads like a collection Of days, crumbs of Conversations,...
My Mountain by Arthur C. Ford
MY MOUNTAIN (For My Father, Fred P. Ford,Sr. 1909-1988) Standing there!! Pointed curves all over. Muscle bounded. Your stillness is...