on describing a circle without hands in the year of the dandelion by James Bell

on describing a circle without hands in the year of the dandelion by James Bell
in the year of the dandelion where
there are violets in abundance too
only the spores of the dandelion float
to start a new generation in the year to come
my feet are on the ground
they are always on the ground
except when I lay flat
then they are not on the ground
today my feet are grounded
I can feel them sink lower
beneath the surface even though
this is imaginary and self induced
it is in order to achieve some
kind of balance to recognise
the difference between bones
and tissue - move ever more slowly -
every action must be deliberate
to maintain that sense of control
without effort or of strain -
my feet are still on the ground
I must turn only from the waist
describe a circle where less
is more - less an aim for
more to be achieved - a time
where a disconnect is not possible -
the ground is still concrete slabs
and the sun still glimmers beyond
the wisteria and reality is still
a reality where my feet on the ground
remain on the ground a little apart
anchored below the surface -
my eyes are closed and then I open them
again to feel the difference -
sun is beyond the waves - patterns
in abstracts of stone where shadow
dissolves - my feet stay on the ground
in the year of the dandelion where
there are violets in abundance too -
only the spores of the dandelion float
to start a new generation in the year to come
James Bell - lives in Brittany where he contributes photography and non-fiction to an English language journal. Two poetry collections have appeared from tall-lighthouse, the just vanished place and fishing for beginners. His work has also appeared this year with Shearsman, Tears In The Fence and The Journal and the Poetry Kit anthology Flowers in the Machine (poems about science).