The Wolf by Tina Edwards

The Wolf
lie me down to sleep among entrails that carpet
your lair skeletons of loved ones shrivelled skins
left by banished snakes on cold stone ground
round and round we dance in wild frenzy
wrap yourself around me in dark coat feather warm
on naked skin caress me with gentle touch
I drink you breathe you ride the drug that howls
on the dark side of the moon
when the alpha male returns looking for more snakes
lays down his gauntlet I will peel back layers
searching for his tail cover my nose suffocate
in dreams the best I've ever had
Tina Edwards lives in the rural and coastal county of North Somerset. A keen walker and keeper of ducks she is a new poet recently published by Indigo Dreams Publishing in Reach Poetry and Flowers in the Machine a Science Project by Poetry Kit. She has also been published online in the USA by Poetry Super Highway for the 19th Annual Holocaust Remembrance Day Poetry Issue with her poem Deep in the Forest.