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Five Poems by Anthony Watts

Anthony Watts has been writing ‘seriously’ for over 40 years. He has won prizes and had poems published in magazines and anthologies. His latest collection is The Shell-Gatherer:

Anthony Watts


The Visitant


He came not from a star but from some nowhere

Between the stars or beyond them

The planet hurt

Its beauty hurt like migraine

He came as to a banquet of skeletons

The skulls crawling with flesh that wreathed and writhed

Into smiles he could not touch

And the eyes

The eyes in the skulls were stars

Their signals flashing past like meteors. He bounced

Off a wall of body language. He wanted to die

Banished from the feast he looked around for scraps

He went for the Big Bits

Life Love Hope Eternity… A dictionary

Snatched them from under his nose like a dog

He hovered in orange twilight

The street lamps shivered in the water and the countryside

Was shut for the night. He felt the earth shudder

With the spasms of its numberless creatures coupling

With screaming brains. He howled at the moon


He looked one way

And there was Outer Space

With its glittering opportunities for self-advancement

And another

And there was Inner Space equally starry

Offering self-effacement

The grand annihilation of the ego

Now where were the launching pads?


There was nothing more to be seen

He took a job as a clown and brought the house down

To rebuild it they said would take an estimated

Eternity so he entered the building trade

Men came with shining eyes and plans

For the New Jerusalem. He set to work

The site was on quicksand

He invested in concrete brass tacks


There came this faint anonymous pressure at his fingertips

A butterfly settled briefly on his retina

Then everything melted like lard at the bottom of his brainpan


He tried The Truth – mmmmm a ripe smooth grape in his mouth

All that rich vibrant juice limbering to jump

Clear and bespatter everything

But the skin was pliant steel he bit

And all his teeth fell out

He tried Self-knowledge that elegant full-length mirror in the mind’s wardrobe

But all he saw was his reflection motionless expectant

They stared each other out a thousand years

He tried Sex the famous five-star recommendation

But between the anticipation

And the recollection

There was no room for him to breathe

He tried Nature but she looked the other way

And with a most strange and distant smile

Hummed the tune that he could never have learned

In a month of somedays

He tried losing himself in the crowd but the crowd

Mingling with his faceless corpuscles lost

Itself in him

He tried Small Acts of Kindness, it was embarrassing

He met Politeness wondering what he was after

He tried Doing Nothing but there was nothing not to do

He tried Any Old Thing but every old thing

Just slapped his face and marched out slamming the door

He tried Not Trying

That wasn’t right either


Choked on earth



And gone into thin air

His ashes came to rest on a hilltop

A kiss of sky healed him

Remade under a cloudless dream of nowhere

He felt the planet’s gravity retreat

Like the end of a long impaling

At last I know he told the sky

That you alone are real

The sky smiled

Said nothing

Knowing of a sudden what he had to do

He turned

And entered the waiting womb

Who came not from a star but from some nowhere

Between the stars or beyond them

Turning from the light as from the dark

Crawled maggot-like into man’s colourless interior

Until at last

Quite lost he found

Deeper than thought

Deeper than love

His final place of unrest



Rinsing my soul: the sky’s big sink;

shifts of cloud like rusty brillo pads

scouring the enameled east.

Return of sun:

blushing truant royalty breaks out of somebody’s loft,

blazing rim slicing through ridge tiles, noonward thrusts until,

clear of the roof,

in consummate levitation,

collars the realm.

O underlit

explorable sky.

My poor rockpooling hunger

grazes its knees across vapid crags,


elbow-deep in puddles of light.

A needle draws a tinsel thread,

sewing cloud to cloud;

the stitches come apart in frazzled puffs.

A tiny jet plane, glittering at needlepoint

(How many fallen angels jostle there?)

burns like a fuse across the gulf of air.

Super silent,



spearhead of technology redeemed

by distance

and a real, an ancient dawn.

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