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Swallows by Annest Gwilym

Annest Gwilym is the Editor of the webzine Nine Muses Poetry Her writing has been widely published both online and in print. Her first pamphlet of poetry - Surfacing - is available from Lapwing Poetry For a signed copy directly from the author see:


Summer streams from their tail-flags In the stillness of stones and meadowsweet They weigh their joy by the gram and wear it Silver the sky, swung by horizons Out-ghost the moon, swerve past floating trees Fork-tailed surfers of air currents, skywriters Skim the barn door, pluck insects on the wing Swirl, swoop, twist, turn, twirl Glide, scoop, flare, wheel, whirl Quick as a flicker of light in a puddle Seraphim of the sky, bubble their song Chitter-chatter gibber on telephone wires Make soft butterflies bloom in my mouth

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