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Three poems by Geoffrey Heptonstall

Geoffrey Heptonstall's recent publications include a novel, Heaven's Invention [Black Wolf Editions], poetry for the Coffee House Anthology, the High Window,, Penwood Review and Poetry Pacific. Recent stories have appeared in Bandit Fiction, Fiction Week and Scarlet Leaf Review. Recent essays have appeared in the London Magazine, London Progressive Journal and Montreal Review.



Echoes along the wall

in this city of bridges

across history with water flowing

from peace to war and back again.

The government elects its people

as the walls erect their stones.


An artist draws a circle of chalk

and Berlin becomes the moon

with dust on which a poet walks

as an innocent to the gallows,

as a book to be forever unread,

as a song without music,

as a thought without words.


When the beasts have fled their cages,

making for the forest night.

And the sky is void of stars

until the sun’s rising

from memory and the eternal record

of how a people find their city

inside the streets that map the world.


Slowly the stone begins to roll.

the gathering crows applauds

until scattered by the crash.

The fall was foretold.

We know how it shall end.

The ascent was ever uncertain,

An incline too severe

for mortal hands to raise

the weight of the world.

A god-like task for a man,

that casts its curse in memory.

The stone has no forgiving.


A gothic arch of bones

raised as the whalers’ memorial,

shameless relic of conquest,

of the hunter’s harpoon thrust

in the darkness, in the deeps

before the pursuer is pursued

over a less than celestial sea

by that monster, mortality.

Feel the wound as you pass through.

where the headland ends in a storm

warning of the silence spoken

by the god of these graves.

So many Ishmaels sleep beneath these stones,

all named testaments certain

of heroic acts, necessary lives

with no room for doubt aboard.

The sea whale guides the fishermen home

to the harbour’s star-like lights.

Maritime museums tell none of this.

Leviathan is the watchword

luring boys at play to men’s work.

They sign on to the ship

that sails to the world’s end,

a sea of blood, an isle of bones.

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