Song of the Rainforest by Novia Rika P

Novia Rika P., she is an Indonesian writer and currently lives in South Tangerang. She has won several poetry competitions in her country and her works also appear on several international poetry journal. She was one of Indonesian delegation in World Festival of Youth 2017 in Russia, because of her activity on poetry and literature.
the void
in dark humid atmosphere
growing intense
from forest floor
to canopies of trees
windswept detritus
swing a low tone, below
wild debrises of dead trees
spring soft white mold's wings
hares, wild deers are lurking
the land is singing
the wind carved trees
synthetizing sounds from heartwood
sky linear twigs razored the air
resonate to birds, migrating
by the movement of wind
swaying the green gowns
dense musical forest
from inside the mist
the song of water
the mizzle drips
echoing with a voice
of a man and his heart,
his guitar, his soul
lit by a stone-circled bonfire
singing the soul of the rainforest